Living Our Model Series 2017-18
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Living Our Model
Date: April 4, 2017 - 10:30am to 12:00 PDT
Mode: In person at the RRU Centre for Dialogue and synchronously online via RRU Livestream
Session Description:
During our first session in the Living Our Model series we will focus on assignments and assessment as part of the "outcomes based" component of the LTM. Be prepared to get engaged and work through, talk through, and share assessment rubrics, their benefits and limitations, and how different assignment formats help us live our model. Share your thoughts and experiences and hear what other faculty and CTET staff have to contribute. You will leave the session with guidance and feedback on rubrics, how to create, and how to use them.
Dates: Every day over May 15 - May 19, 2017
Mode: Asynchronous online within RRU Continuing Studies course site - featuring daily "reveals" and online participation/collaboration
Facilitators: Combinations of faculty, instructional designers and learning technologists
Session Description:
The second session in the Living Our Model series will be held asynchronously online and will feature small groups of faculty, instructional designers and learning technologists showcasing examples of technology-enhanced courses at RRU. Learn about course activities and assignments that have engaged students and helped them meet course outcomes through inspiring use of technology. Get a chance to try these tools yourself! New tools will be revealed every day of the week for the five-day session.
Note: While the original session for this event was held in another course shell on the Continuing Studies server, the information has been copied to our OER server and you can access the materials there from this point forward.
Date: November 23, 2017, 1pm - 3pm
Mode: Face-to-face in the Centre for Dialogue, Learning and Innovation Centre
Facilitators: Trish Dyck, Kathleen Manion, Nooreen Shah-Preusser and Sophia Palahicky
Session Description:
This session provided a Liberating Structure format, “Shift and Share”, to highlight reflection and processes being used and developed to enhance team-based learning experiences in the classroom. It offered space to share ideas to maximize benefits and minimize barriers of team-based learning.
This session brought together three voices - faculty, CTET, and Team Coaching - to share a variety of tools/processes that can be used to enhance team based learning in your classroom.
During the session we exchanged ideas with:
- Kathleen Manion of the School of Humanitarian Studies: integrating team based learning through enhanced design, integrating coaching support, and team based activities and assessments in the classroom
- Sophia Palahicky, Manager with CTET: designing and developing relevant team-based learning activities, assignments, and assessment
- Trish Dyck and Nooreen Shah-Preusser, Team Coaches: coaching teams to become efficient learning communities, dealing with team challenges, using technology to enhance team learning