Assignment 4: Proposal for a Course Makeover (individual)
Assignment 4: Proposal for a Course Makeover (individual)
Assignment 4: Proposal for a Course Makeover (individual)
For this assignment, students will develop a proposal to either develop a new course or remake an existing course that incorporates authentic learning and assessment into the course design. The proposal will include the following elements (images or graphics are encouraged – flow charts, diagrams, etc.):
- High level overview of the planned units; learning outcomes and assessment criteria
- Rationale, including support from the literature on why this course is noteworthy
- Description of the instructional and assessment activities planned for the course
- Project plan and timeline
- Course design matrix
- Step-by-step implementation process
- Any notable collaborations or partnerships that will enhance the relevance, meaningfulness, or quality of the course
Proposals should be no more than 1200 words or 4 pages.
Share with peers during week 10 and, then, post a draft to the critical friend forum.