Assignment 4: Course Redesign for Synchronous + Asynchronous Delivery (individual) 40%
Assignment 4: Course Redesign for Synchronous + Asynchronous Delivery (individual) 40%
Conditions d’achèvement
Ouvert le : vendredi, 10 janvier 2014, 22:15
À rendre : vendredi, 17 janvier 2014, 22:15
Assignment 4: Course Redesign for Synchronous + Asynchronous Delivery (individual) 40%
You are asked to re-design a course or a module within a current or previously-taught course using effective synchronous learning design and facilitation principles. If you are not currently teaching, you can choose one of the following options instead of an existing course:
- a professional development module for faculty and/or staff;
- a non-credit student support module;
- an adaptation of current open educational resources into a course or
- an alternative to be negotiated with the course instructor.
Prepare a redesign plan that includes the following:
- Course or module context and background
- Rationale for the re-design grounded in the relevant learning theories
- Learning outcomes or objectives of the course/module
- Description of the course/module re-design details, including any special considerations that need to be considered in its delivery and implementation
- A plan for the effective facilitation of the re-designed course/module focusing on synchronous learning strategies (similar to an instructor's guide)
- Technology requirements and constraints
- Course redesign Plan with a maximum of 1500 words.
Your instructor is available to help you determine the appropriate topic and scope of your re-design project.