Assignment 5: Virtual ePortfolio Presentation (individual)
Assignment 5: Virtual ePortfolio Presentation (individual)
Assignment 5: Virtual ePortfolio Presentation (individual)
Participants will complete their ePortfolios and reflect on the highlights of their course learning experience. The following artifacts (collected as the course progresses) should be considered for inclusion in the ePortfolio:
- Projects or achievements
- Notes from texts and articles
- Notes on the learning process
- Peer assessment of work or notes from a critical friend
- Questions on areas needing attention
- A selection of journal entries
- Presentations and deliverables from the course assignments
- References/bibliography
- Non-textual artifacts such as videos, graphics, and audio elements.
Based on the contents of their e-portfolios, students will prepare a final reflective summary of no more than 800 words or 5 minute audio or video or voice over PowerPoint in their portfolio that describes (a) key highlights of the course; (b) how this course has impacted their thinking, behaviours or teaching practices; and (c) outstanding questions.
Participants will review one of their colleagues' portfolios and provide feedback using a collaboratively-generated rubric (developed in week 6).
After reviewing the feedback, participants will post a summary (500 words or 3-minute video or audio or voice over PowerPoint in the Week 12 discussion forum sharing one key highlight and one question that have still not been answered. The assessment for this assignment will take into consideration the quality of the ePortfolio, the quality of the feedback to the peer, and the quality of the discussion group submission.