Activity: Developing High Quality Connections


Next, take a look at this image. What do you see?

An image that looks like a vase in profile, but could also be two faces in silhouette

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

The image portrays two side profiles of a person (in white) mirroring each other. From another point of view, this is an image of a black vase. 

  • How does ethnicity, upbringing, and age impact how you see the world?
  • How do your perceptions influence how you present yourself to the world, how you listen and what you hear?
  • Have you considered whether or not you walk with power and privilege, and how this lens affects what you see and experience?
  • How do assumptions influence cultivating HQCs?

After reviewing the actions to cultivate HQCs and reflecting on the image, which portrays different perspectives at the same time, continue to the next page to review scenario 1 again.