Play to Your Strengths


Activity: List your top 5 Core Values.

Choose one of your values and write a short story that illustrates a time when you needed to draw upon this value.

For example, if you were applying to a position at Royal Roads, which holds the values of caring, creative, and courageousthen your story would incorporate an example when you demonstrated one or all of these values in a school project or course, or in one of the roles that you have held. 

These stories will be critical for your career search as well as when you are building your community network.

Story Tip

Stories have a beginning, middle, and end.

Reflection questions:

  • How do your values influence how you develop your community? 
  • Who in your community has similar values? 
  • What organizations/businesses align with your values?
  • How do you navigate situations when others have differing values than yours? 
  • What values are most important to you in your work life?
If you feel challenged by identifying your values you can take a look at the Personal Assets module in the Determining Direction unit.

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