Overview OER Moodle site: Leading & innovating in the ECE sector
Overview OER Moodle site: Leading & innovating in the ECE sector
Learning outcomes (LOs) serve as a valuable resource to guide your learning journey and ensure that you can make the most out of your learning experience. The primary purpose of this section is to clearly communicate the intended learning outcomes of the Leading and Innovating in the Early Childhood Education Sector Moodle OER resource.
By outlining these outcomes, you will have a roadmap of the knowledge, skills, and competencies you will acquire throughout the duration of the course. These outcomes are carefully crafted to align with the overall goals and objectives of the course, ensuring that you are equipped with the necessary tools to succeed.
The learning outcomes for this resource align with the content, activities, and assessments you will encounter, enabling you to track your growth and identify improvement opportunities. Within each Topic section, an overview is provided, including the respective LOs that are relevant to that topic. You are encouraged to review the learning outcomes thoroughly and to refer to them throughout your learning journey to support your success in completing all provided activities and assessments.
After completing all activities and assessments (total of 20 hours) in this Moodle OER resource, participants will:
- Reflect on the impact of professional accountability and ethical, values-based ECE leadership practice,
- Define systems thinking, explain the various ECE systems you are a part of, and identify your role in those systems to advocate for change,
- Consider what "Quality" means as an ECE leader and manager,
- Compare and contrast the communication and conflict resolution skills needed from an ECE educator and an ECE Leader,
- Explain an ECE Leader’s role in fostering an ECE program that honours rights-respecting, equitable, diverse and inclusive environments,
- Describe ways to encourage reflective and reflexive practices in ECE programs as an ECE leader,
- Explain principles and processes required to support the operation of a quality, sustainable ECE program with well-cared-for ECE staff, and
- Create ECE programs as changemaker spaces; drawing on innovations from the field.