OER Wrap-up
OER Wrap-up
Through the completion of activities and self-assessments within this resource, you have examined many topics relevant to early childhood education (ECE) management and leadership, including:
Topic 1: Leading in the system
ECE Business Management and Operations - Highlighted the various ECE systems of which ECE practitioners are a part, introduced systems thinking, and situated the fundamentals of running and managing a business.
Topic 2: What is leadership in ECE?
Examined the ECE leaders' role and need to understand the intricate relationship between leadership styles and one's underlying values to support and sustain effective, ethical, culturally responsive, accessible, and inclusive practices.
Topic 3: Elevating the Sector, Advocacy and Leadership
Supported you in recognizing the importance of the ECE sector and the ECE leader’s role in advocating for change, championing the sector, building community and inclusive environments, and celebrating advancements.
What, so what, now what?
Reflect on the following prompts for each stage of the 3 W's:
- Describe specific aspects of this OER's content, concepts, or learning experiences that stood out for you.
- What new knowledge, skills, or abilities did you learn?
So What?
- What is the significance or implication of your learnings on your practice?
- How does your new knowledge impact you as a manager or leader? Why does it matter?
Now What?
- How will you apply your new insights and integrate your new knowledge into your practice?
- What actionable steps will you now explore or action? How?
- What are some areas you would like to research further or develop? Why?
Once you have completed your 3 W's reflection, print your certificate of completion.