1. Labour Market Information (LMI)

listing of aspects of LMI


Find LMI information from at least three sources on the web that relate to your spark, an industry, a field or a job title that interests you. There are some links below to get you started, or you can find other sites of your choosing.

When you use the web to conduct research, you will find a lot of information. But how will you know if it is reliable? Use the CRAAP Test to ensure the quality of your sources. The CRAAP Test is an evaluation tool that uses a set of inquiries designed to aid you in assessing the validity of the information you come across. Depending on what you're looking for, some questions might matter more than others.

Use your Workbook to record your answers for the following questions:

  • How does the information you found align with your personal career interests, goals, and skills?
  • How could you use these sites to your advantage for future use?
  • Did you discover any surprising information?

Useful Links for this Activity: