2. Identify Skills, Values, and Strengths

Skills: Drag and Drop

Starting with one story, drag and drop the skills that you demonstrated in that story into the allotted space in the worksheet. Click and hold on any of the words on the right, and drag them into the box.

  • Once you are satisfied with the skills you have chosen below, copy them to the worksheet or your journal for safekeeping.
  • There are additional skills listed in the websites below for your reference.

Remember to use the above Drag and Drop activity for all three of your stories!

You can also refer to these additional skills lists for reference:

Employability Skills consists of fundamental skills, personal management skills, and teamwork skills.

The Innovation Skills Profile 2.0 includes creativity and problem-solving skills, which are highly in demand skills (focused on in the Defining Resources unit).

The Commercialization Skills Profile can be helpful to review for the collaboration and networking skills.

Skills and Competencies Taxonomy entails seven categories, one of which is skills (foundational, analytical, technical, resource management, and interpersonal).