3. Trends

"A trend is a general direction into which something is changing, developing, or veering toward. The term may also mean a fashion or craze, i.e., a fad. The verb ‘to trend’ means to develop or change in a general direction." - Market Business News

Trends come and go. Some have longevity, some, not so much. Trends occur all around us, in business, fashion, culture, music, and so on. 'Stories' for example, continue to be a trend in social media. Hybrid or electric cars are an incoming trend. 

From a career management perspective, how can you keep an eye on the trends in your occupation and industry so that you will be aware if your profession is flourishing or diminishing? 


Watch this video to see the Top 20 Trends for 2021. 

Top 20 Trends in 2021 Forecast (9:40)

Jot your answers to these questions in the External Influences Worksheet, or in your own journal:

  • What trends have directly or indirectly impacted you personally and professionally? 
  • What trends can you foresee influencing your future? 
  • How might you take a course of action to stay ahead of the game?