Positive Outlook (Optimism)

How do you see the world? Do you think a positive outlook (or optimistic perspective) can have an impact on your success?

  • What if…. optimism or pessimism matters as much as talent or desire? What if you can have all the talent and desire necessary—yet, if you are a pessimist, still fail?
  • What if optimism is a learned skill, one that can be permanently acquired? (Seligman, 2006, p. 13 & 14)

Seligman, the Father of Positive Psychology, studied optimists and pessimists for more than 25 years. Optimists react to distressing events as temporary obstacles that can be overcome. In contrast, pessimists believe they are the cause of the problem and that these events can extend for lengthy periods of time (Seligman, 2006).

We can make a choice where we want to place our attention. As Bert Jacob, CEO of Life is Good Co. conveys, we can focus on the opportunities or the obstacles. This focus can be applied to managing a business or approaching your career and life.

Bert walks the talk as an optimist. In this clip, Bert shares how his company was built on optimism (CNBC, June 1, 2016).

click to open video in a new window

How optimism breeds success - Click to open video in a new window (1:39)

Simon Sinek describes optimism as seeing a light at the end of the tunnel, despite how dark circumstances are. “Optimism isn't naive. Optimism doesn't deny the darkness. It's an undying belief that the future is bright” (Sinek, December 23, 2020).

Our approach to our career is greatly influenced by having a belief that the future is promising. In turn, we leave ourselves more open to seeing opportunities and different paths forward. We may also have more energy to explore options which could get us out where serendipity might find us!


  • “take action more quickly to find a new job because they believe negative events are temporary; 
  • they update their resumes, 
  • jump on LinkedIn, and 
  • network with former colleagues to find an opening.

In job interviews, optimists “focus more on the energizing aspects of work and the areas in which they have control” (Gielan, 2016, p. 3). This focus on solutions could be the swing to garner a second interview .