Play to Your Strengths

Become Memorable

Reflect on this Quote, Tweeted by Garr Reynolds: 

"This is a very complicated world, it's a very noisy world. And we're not going to get the chance to get people to remember much about us... So we have to be really clear on what we want them to know about us."  - Steve Jobs

Reflection questions:

  • What do you usually share about yourself (e.g., your career story) when you meet someone new, at a Meetup, conference, or professional event? 
  • What do you want people to know about you, your career, and how you have impacted your industry and the world?
  • What are positive results for example from your roles, team development, or projects that you worked on? 
  • Is it memorable?

For those who are new to a profession or industry, you could also highlight what and/or how you would like to make positive contributions.

To be memorable is to share what is unique about you, as in your professional strengths, values, interests, and goals. 

If you know your unique qualities or if you identified your qualities in the Personal Assets module in the Determining Direction unit - continue on. If you haven't completed this module, you could do this one first, or you can refer to the RRU Personal Assets Inventory Workbook.

Credit: Garr Reynold's twitter

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