Activity 3: Post Your Introduction (Class)
Activity 3: Post Your Introduction (Class)
Activity 3: Post Your Introduction
In 200 words or less, introduce yourself to your fellow learners in this class discussion forum. Your introduction might include:
- information on where you live
- what you like to do when you are not working or studying
- anything else you think may be of interest to others
Please review and respond to others' introductions - ask questions or make constructive comments where you feel it is appropriate. In this way, you can begin a dialogue with your fellow learners that serves as a basis for your interactions when you arrive on campus at RRU.
In this discussion, each person can start one thread only; however, there is no limit to the number of replies you can make. Please be considerate to others and keep a few points in mind with respect to netiquette at RRU.
- Keep each posting brief, ie. no more than two paragraphs at a time. Just as no one likes the idea of one person monopolizing a face-to-face discussion, brief postings ensure that this does not happen online.
- Encourage others to participate and invite their comments and discussion on your postings.
- Always respect other learners' perspectives, even though they may not be the same as your own. Different and unique points of view can do a great deal to enrich discussion and creative thought.
- Most of all, have fun!