Saturday, 15 February 2025, 8:13 AM
Site: RRU Open Educational Resources
Course: Give Green Canada (Give Green Canada)
Glossary: Here is a Helpful Glossary of Gift Planning

Servient tenement.

Land over which a burden such as an easement or covenant has been granted in favour of another parcel of land called the dominant tenement.


In Quebec law, a servitude is a right to use another's land. It is a burden on the land requiring the owner to permit access to the beneficiary of the servitude.

Statutory right of way

An easement without a designated dominant tenement registrable against title to land under section 218 of the Land Title Act.

Strip bond

A strip bond (also called a 'zero-coupon bond') is a corporate or government bond that pays no current interest to the holder. It is sold at a discount for considerably less than its future redemption value.

Tax credit

An amount calculated under the Income Tax Act which is subtracted from tax otherwise owing.

Taxable income

Net income less certain allowable deductions such as capital losses and capital gains deductions.

Term insurance

Life insurance written for a specific period that pays a death benefit if the insured dies within that period.

Testamentary gift

A gift that takes effect upon the donor's death. For example, a gift in the donor's will.


Legal documents which set out the wishes of the testators for the distribution of their estate and certain other matters after death.