Tuesday, 18 February 2025, 11:37 AM
Site: RRU Open Educational Resources
Course: Give Green Canada (Give Green Canada)
Glossary: Here is a Helpful Glossary of Gift Planning

Self-insured gift annuity

A charitable gift annuity where the charity invests the contributed property and assumes the obligation to make payments to annuitant(s).

Servient tenement.

Land over which a burden such as an easement or covenant has been granted in favour of another parcel of land called the dominant tenement.


In Quebec law, a servitude is a right to use another's land. It is a burden on the land requiring the owner to permit access to the beneficiary of the servitude.

Statutory right of way

An easement without a designated dominant tenement registrable against title to land under section 218 of the Land Title Act.

Strip bond

A strip bond (also called a 'zero-coupon bond') is a corporate or government bond that pays no current interest to the holder. It is sold at a discount for considerably less than its future redemption value.