Saturday, 15 February 2025, 8:31 AM
Site: RRU Open Educational Resources
Course: Leading and Innovating in the Early Childhood Education Sector (Leading and Innovating in the Early Childhood Education Sector )
Glossary: (3) Directory

$10aDay Campaign

The $10aDay Child Care Campaign is an initiative of the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and is anchored in an ongoing collaboration with the Early Childhood Educators of BC to carry out public education activities related to the $10aDay Child Care Plan.

Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC
2772 East Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5M 1Y8

Toll-free across BC: 1-866-965-8550
Lower Mainland: 604-505-5725



Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC

The Aboriginal Head Start Association of British Columbia (AHSABC) is a non-profit society made up of the urban Aboriginal Head Start (AHS) sites in BC, all of which are members of the AHSABC. 

AHS works with parents, Elders, program partners and the government, sharing the responsibility of growing quality early learning environments for our children and families.   

Contact the AHSABC

Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC banner

Appetite to Play

Appetite to Play is a province-wide initiative to promote and encourage physical activity and healthy eating with children in the early years (birth to 5 years old) by informing, engaging and empowering the communities around them.

Appetite to Play provides many useful and practical resources to help build the capacity of parents, caregivers, early years providers, health promotion providers, and many other service providers that support young children and their families. Resources include training, ideas, games, activities, recipes, recommended practices, self-assessment tools, and other resources that can be used in a variety of settings. We have resources for caregivers to use at home, as well as for providers to use in daycare centres, preschools, and parenting programs, to name a few. All Appetite to Play resources are evidence-based and aligned with recommendations from the BC Ministry of Health.


BC Aboriginal Child Care Society

The BC Aboriginal Child Care Society (BCACCS) offers a variety of services that provide early childhood education professionals, support service professionals, and Indigenous children and families access to early learning programs, resources, training, research, and community services that are culturally based.

Suite 102 – 100 Park Royal South
West Vancouver, BC 
V7T 1A2

Phone: 604-913-9128
Fax: 604-913-9129

BC Council for Families

The BC Council for Families is a BC-registered non-profit, charitable organization whose purpose is to serve professionals, support families and strengthen communities. 

BC Council for Families
208-1847 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y6

BC Council for Families Website

BC Early Years Professional Development Hub

one-stop online professional development hub for educators working within the BC early years sector

one-stop online professional development hub for educators working within the BC early years sector

The BC Early Years Professional Development (PD) website is a one-stop online PD hub for educators working within the BC early years sector. The hub is a virtual space for educators to look for PD opportunities and events, come together, learn with and from each other, share knowledge and experiences, and connect with others in the ECE field.

The BC Early Years PD hub is a collaborative project between partners, including the BC Family Child Care Association, Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia, Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre, the Early Childhood Pedagogy Network, and the BC Aboriginal Child Care Society. 


Canadian Child Care Federation

The Canadian Child Care Federation is Canada’s largest national, non-profit, charitable ELCC organization. 

700 Industrial Ave, Suite 600
Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9

(613) 729-5289
(613) 729-3159

Child Care Operating Funding

The Child Care Operating Funding (CCOF) is available for eligible licensed providers and can assist with the day-to-day costs of running a licensed childcare facility. It also enhances early childhood educator wages and reduces fees for families.

Find CCOF eligibility requirements, information, and application forms on the Government of BC CCOF website.

CCOF Program contact numbers:

Toll-Free: 1-888-338-6622 (Option 2)
Local phone: 250-356-6501 (Victoria)

8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Eligibility requirements

Child Care Resource and Referral Centres

Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) centres make it easier for families to find and access responsive and inclusive quality licensed and registered child care by providing information, support, resources and referral services to parents and child care providers across the province.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care provides funding to CCRRs, which work in partnership with the government to improve the accessibility, affordability, and quality of child care in all B.C. communities.

Listing of all Centres, including contact information

CCRR logo

Child Welfare (Reporting)

Child Welfare


Duty to report

If you think a child is being abused or neglected, you have the legal duty to report your concern to a child welfare worker.

Phone 1-800-663-9122 any time.