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Public foundation

A charitable foundation where more than 50% of the directors, trustees, officers or like officials deal with each other at arm's length and not more than 50% of the capital contributed or otherwise paid in to the foundation has been contributed or paid in by one person or members of a group of persons who do not deal with each other at arm's  length.

Publicly traded securities

Publicly traded securities include stocks, bonds and mutual funds containing stocks listed on approved stock exchanges.


Qualified recipients

Under the Income Tax Act, registered charities, Canadian municipalities, the United Nations or its agencies, the federal or provincial Crown.


Re-insured gift annuity

A charitable gift annuity where the charity uses a portion of the contribution to purchase an annuity from an insurance company that will pay the amount promised to the annuitant(s). The portion of the contribution not used to purchase the annuity can be retained and used by the charity. Also called 'gift plus annuity'.

Real property

Land or an interest in land such as an easement or covenant.

Registered charity

Under the Income Tax Act, a charitable organization, private foundation or public foundation, all as defined in the Income Tax Act, resident in Canada and created or established in Canada, that is registered as such.

Remainder or residual interest

A right to enjoy or own property in the future after the termination of all life interest or estates.

Rent charge, registered rent charge

A charge, registered against title to land, securing payment of a specific amount by the landowner to the covenant holder for each breach by the landowner of the terms of the covenant.

Restrictive covenant

An agreement between two landowners restricting the use of one property for the benefit of the other.


Self-insured gift annuity

A charitable gift annuity where the charity invests the contributed property and assumes the obligation to make payments to annuitant(s).

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