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A principal sum, permanently set aside and invested by a charity, with only the income used for charitable purposes.


(1) An interest in land. (2) All the property that a person had the power to dispose of by will.


Fee simple

The estate in fee simple is the largest estate or interest in land known in law and is the most absolute in terms of the rights that it confers. The largest possible bundle of ownership rights in a piece of land including the right to exclusive possession of the land, the right to use the land, and the right to dispose of the land.



A transfer of property without consideration, that is, without the expectation of any benefit, advantage, right or privilege in return.


Income Tax Act

Federal legislation, administered by Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA).

Interest in land

A right to have the advantage from something. One or more of the ownership rights of land. A conservation covenant or an easement is an interest in land. See also Estate.


Items bought for use or resale by a business, relevant in calculating profit from a business.


Life estate or life interest

A grant of property to a person for his or her life or some other specified time.

Loan back

An arrangement where a donor gives cash to a charity (usually a private foundation) and the foundation then loans the money back to the corporation of the donor. The loan is backed by corporate assets and pays interest.


Market value

The most probable price that a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.

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