(3) Directory
(3) Directory
This searchable directory contains information and links to ECE professional programs, associations and certifications, acting as a gateway to a myriad of ECE leadership and career enhancement and funding opportunities, skill development, and industry recognition.
Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL
C |
Childcare Resource and Research UnitThe Childcare Resource and Research Unit (CRRU) is a non-profit, non-partisan policy research institute with a mandate to work towards an equitable, high-quality, publicly funded, inclusive early learning and child care (ELCC) system for all Canadians. CRRU works with other researchers, other women’s organizations, NGOs, social justice organizations, advocacy groups, labour unions, the childcare community and government policymakers across multiple levels of government. 32 Heath St W. Telephone: 416-926-9264 Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm Email: contactus@childcarecanada.org | ||
E |
Early Childhood Educators of British ColumbiaECEBC provides Professional Development (PD) opportunities, training and resources for early childhood educators across BC with a vision for a society where early childhood educators thrive in a supportive community that values childhood and education. Phone: (604) 709-6063 Email: office.admin@ecebc.ca 309 - 515 West Pender Street Office Hours: ECEBC SocialsECEBC Facebook | ||
Early Childhood Pedagogy NetworkThe Early Childhood Pedagogy Network (ECPN) mobilizes the call for transformational change in early childhood education in British Columbia. In collaboration with communities, the ECPN creates spaces for vibrant public conversations about pedagogical processes and projects in early childhood spaces. Email: ecpn@uwo.ca | ||
Early Years Professional Development PortalThe Early Years Professional Development portal gives Child Care Resource and Referral programs an online platform to promote learning opportunities for Early Childhood Educators and Families throughout B.C. Access the EYPD Portal: https://www.earlyyearsbc.ca/ | ||
ECE Education Support FundThe Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC), in partnership with the Province of British Columbia, enhanced and expanded the ECE Bursary Program, now known as the ECE Education Support Fund (ECE ESF). This program consists of two funding streams:
You can create an account anytime. View the semester details below for application start/intake information. Access the ECE Education Support Fund Online Application Portal to apply for funding.ECEBC support fund contacts: 309 -515 West Pender Street Phone: (604) 709-6063 | ||
ECE Educational ProgramsHere is a link to the Government of BC's list of educational institutions with early childhood education programs that the ECE Registry recognizes. | ||
ECE RegistryTo work as an ECE or ECE Assistant in a licensed child care facility in B.C. you must be certified by the ECE Registry. On the BC Ministry's ECE Registry Website, you can access links to learn about the certificate types and requirements, how to become certified, how to renew your certificate, how to record your PD hours, validate other ECE certifications, and find ECE educational opportunities. Access the BC ECE Registry Website for more information. Contact the ECE RegistryPO Box 9961 STN PROV GOVT Duty to reportIf you think a child is being abused or neglected, you have the legal duty to report your concern to a child welfare worker. Phone 1-800-663-9122 any time. | ||
F |
Family Resource Programs of British ColumbiaFamily Resource Programs of BC (FRP-BC) is a non-profit membership organization that promotes and supports community-based Family Resource Programs (FRPs). Email: admin@frpbc.ca Physical Address: Office Hours: Mailing Address: PO Box 30008 RPO Reynolds | ||
First Call Child and Youth Advocacy SocietyFirst Call Child and Youth Advocacy Society (First Call) is a registered charity in British Columbia whose purpose is to create a greater understanding of and advocacy for legislation, policy, and practice so that all children and youth have the rights, opportunities and resources required to thrive. #328 – 3381 Cambie Street,Vancouver, BC V5Z 4R3 Phone: 604-288-8102 Email:info@firstcallbc.org | ||
First Nations Health AuthorityThe FNHA is Canada's first and only provincial First Nations health authority. The FNHA is the health and wellness partner to over 200 diverse First Nations communities and citizens across BC. First Nations Health Authority Phone: 604-693-6500 | ||