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HealthLink BC

HealthLink BC provides reliable non-emergency health information and advice in British Columbia. Information and advice are available by telephone and through the HealthLink website. 

Phone: 8-1-1 for 24/7 HealthLink support

British Columbians who are deaf and hard of hearing have always had access to HealthLinkBC 8-1-1 through a Teletypewriter (TTY) relay service by dialling 7-1-1. A TTY relay service call allows a person with a hearing or speech disability to reach a relay operator to facilitate a call with 8-1-1


Human Early Learning Partnership

The Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP) is a collaborative research and knowledge mobilization centre that brings together expertise from across disciplines and sectors to contribute to improving conditions that promote an equitable start in life for all children and their families. The HELP work is based at the University of British Columbia (UBC).

Suite 440, 2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
Phone | 604. 822. 1278
Fax | 604. 822. 0640
Email |


Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework

The Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework is meant as a guide for those within the Early Learning and Child Care sector to work towards achieving the shared vision that all Indigenous children have the opportunity to experience high-quality, culturally strong early learning and child care.


Government of Canada. (2017, May 31). Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care [Policies].

Internationally Trained Early Childhood Educators & Assistants

Internationally trained Early Childhood Educators (ECE) and ECE assistants can apply for certification as an ECE in British Columbia if they have completed an early childhood education training program outside of Canada through the government of British Columbia. 

Internationally trained Early Childhood Educators (ECE) and ECE assistants may be eligible to transfer their certification if they hold valid certification (registration) in another Canadian province or territory.


Métis Nation British Columbia

The Métis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) represents the section 35 rights of over 24,000 Métis citizens who are registered with MNBC and advocates for the over 98,000 self-identified Métis in British Columbia. The Métis Nation BC represents thirty-nine (39) Métis Chartered Communities in British Columbia. 

Contact Information:

#380 – 13401 108 Ave 
Surrey, BC 
V3T 5T3

Toll-free: 1-800-940-1150
Phone: 604-557-5851

MNBC Website

Métis Nation Government in British Columbia

Ministry of Education

General Enquiries

Ministry of Education - General Inquiries:

Vancouver: 604-660-2421
Victoria: 250-387-6121
Toll-Free within Canada and USA: 1-800-663-7867
Outside of Canada/USA: 1-604-660-2421

Email: General Enquiries


Science of Early Child Development

The Science of Early Child Development (SECD) website is designed to make current research accessible to anyone interested in learning more about the impact of early experience on lifelong health and well-being.


Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

The Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre (WCCRC) provides information, referrals, training and resources to families, individuals and organizations who are seeking the best child care and early learning.

Phone: 604-709-5661
Fax: 604-709-5662

Westcoast Child Care Resource Centre

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