Click to play an audio welcome:

Transcript of audio welcome:

Hello and welcome to Moodle: Editing & Enhancing! This is a self-study resource that you can work through at your own pace and in the order that works for you.

To check if you really need to look at the material in this resource or if you’re pretty familiar with it already, you may wish to take the Self-Assessment at the top of this resource. Read the Overview to find out who we recommend should review this material and what the intended learning outcomes are. Here’s a tip, if you do all the starred tasks in the course, it will help you achieve all the learning outcomes stated. You will also want to read the Important Notes about this Resource and the Tips for Getting Started Editing in Moodle.

The resource is set up so that you can work on the tasks in any order that you choose. The tasks are grouped in categories to help you think about why and how you’d use the Moodle resources and activities. The task pages link out consistently to the Computer Services knowledgebase. This is an online database full of really useful information about how to use Moodle – and more!

Have fun learning about how to edit and enhance your Moodle courses. If you have any questions about the information or tasks within the resource, please contact CTET STUDIO. The contact information for STUDIO is at the bottom of this resource.

If you’d prefer to take this content in a facilitated face to face or online workshop, please contact CTET – the Centre for Teaching and Educational Technologies - to see when the next offering is.

Have fun!

Modifié le: jeudi, 5 juillet 2018, 12:54