Navigating the Toolkit

You can choose to explore all units or just a few.

small Moodle logo

Our Toolkit is offered on Moodle, an open source platform used by over 35 million people around the world speaking over 78 languages in 225 countries. It is graciously hosted for Give Green Canada (G2) by Royal Roads University.

The Toolkit displays in 3 columns:

Centre Column: Toolkit content. Within each Unit are activities and resources.

Left & Right Columns: Menu, Calendar, Glossary tips, Community Forum, etc.

compass and a hemp rope


There are a few options from which to choose when you're navigating through the Toolkit:

1. Breadcrumb Trail

The breadcrumb trail appears at the top left of your course page (located just under the Royal Roads logo and the words "Give Green Canada") allows you to identify where you are in a course at any time

e.g. Give Green Canada » Resources » Navigation

Click on a breadcrumb to return to that page or activity within your course

2. Toolkit Menu

The Menu can be found in the navigation menu that slides open and closed when you click on the hamburger menu in the top left corner:

hamburger menu

Click on any unit name to enter that unit.

For example, to navigate to the section on Bequests, click on "Bequests".

young woman in wild flower field

Getting help

If you find yourself stuck there are two immediate sources of help:

First, hovering over most icons will produce a small pop-up text, called a tool-tip, that will give you a brief hint about what will happen if you click on the icon.

Second, there are small, blue circles containing a question mark next to many of the controls. Clicking on them will open a new pop-up window that contains help relevant to your current situation.

Modifié le: mercredi 14 novembre 2018, 15:27