Create a link
Create a link
Links can be made live anywhere in Moodle where you are adding content: in resources (pages, books, labels etc.), in the descriptions of any activities (e.g. at the top of a forum), or in forum posts themselves. Links can either be set to open up in the same tab of the learner's browser or in a new tab. Internal links that point to somewhere within the same sandbox course should open up in the same tab, external links that point to somewhere outside the course should open up in a new tab.
For this activity you should:
- Create a link anywhere in your sandbox that opens internally in your sandbox
- Create a link anywhere in your sandbox that opens externally outside of your sandbox
If you would like more guidance before you begin:
- Consult the article Adding and Editing Links in the Knowledgebase.
Last modified: Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 2:33 PM