Ten Tips To Help You Get Started
Ten Tips To Help You Get Started
Ten Tips To Help You Get Started

"Readiness Is All"
- Find your charitable status & full legal name and make sure everyone who answers the phone has it nearby.
- Look at your donor list and estimate how many supporters you have who are 55+ plus.
- Identify a potential champion on the Board (or your CEO or Finance Director) who could become your advocate.
- Make a list of donors who have supported your organization for a few years.
- Take the first step to write a basic Gift Acceptance policy (download our handy template).
- Identify
and get to know the professional advisors in your organizations
community. You can find tips on how to find them in Unit 2, Getting
- Update your listing on our main website so donors can find you and also update your listing at Canada Helps .
- You don't have to be an expert yourself so don't delay.
- Putting a gift planning program on hold because you dont have in-house expertise is not necessary.
- It is not your job to understand all the tax and financial details of various gifts when implementing a basic program. It is your job to work with and motivate the donor to make a planned gift to your organization.
Last modified: Monday, 22 October 2018, 4:51 PM