Sample basic Gift Acceptance policy document
Sample basic Gift Acceptance policy document

(Your organization's name here) welcomes the offer of gifts that support the pursuit of its mission.
Types of Gifts
(Organization's name here) will encourage and consider accepting the following outright and deferred gifts.
These include:
- Cash (e.g., outright gifts of cash, cheques, credit cards, electronic funds transfers, and payroll deductions)
- Securities (e.g., stocks, mutual funds)
- Gifts-in-kind (e.g., artwork, cultural property, and other tangible property/assets)
- Life insurance policies (irrevocable ownership transferred to charity
- Gifts of real estate (both ecological and non-ecological land)
- Bequests
- Life Insurance Proceeds (upon death of donor)
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Gifts of Residual Interest
Information on Proposed Non-Cash Gifts
Before deciding to accept a gift, _________________will determine relevant information about the gift, which may include:
- Description of the asset
- Purpose of the gift
- Estimated fair market value
- Income, expenses, encumbrances and carrying costs
- Environmental risks or problems
- Special arrangements for disposition requested by the donor
Determination of Gift Acceptance
The negotiation and development of terms and conditions relating to gifts is to be coordinated through the Board of Directors (or designated staff or committee) and the donor and/or donor?s agent. The final decision to accept or decline a gift rests with
the Board of Directors.
The Board will endeavour to ensure:
- the proposed gift is consistent with the organization's regulations and guidelines
- the donor's intent and direction is consistent with our objectives and priorities
- the donor's intent and direction is clearly understood and documented
- the gift does not expose the organization to a potentially significant liability
- that if precedent-setting or sensitive issues are present, they are adequately assessed by the Board of Directors
- that the proposed gift has received the appropriate Board review and approval.
Indicators that a gift is acceptable include:
- _______________ has a use or need for the gift or, when there is no immediate need, the gift is marketable
- The gift and its accompanying terms are legal
- The purpose of the gift is compatible with the work/priorities of __________
- The size and/or benefit of the gift are proportionate to the work or cost required to support or sustain that gift
- There does not appear to be a physical hazard or liability concern associated with the gift
- Restrictions on the gift are acceptable
- Ownership of all gifts directed to ___________ vests in _____________, whether said gifts are for the benefit of the ____________ generally or for some specific purpose.
Unacceptable Gifts
________________ has the right to decline any gift that is not consistent with its mission. When the gift offer includes conditions that ______________ judges not to be in ________________'s best interest, the Board of Directors (or designated committee)
may request that the terms of the gift be revised or may decline the gift.
(Organization's name) will not accept gifts that:
- Violate any international, federal, provincial or municipal law
- Compromise ______________ integrity or interfere with the Conservancy's judgment
- As a condition thereof, require any action on the part of ______________ which is unacceptable to _______________or violates ______________ policies and regulations
- Contain unreasonable conditions
- Are financially unsound or that would expose the Conservancy to liability or embarrassment
- Rely on an appraisal or evaluation, provided to the donor by third parties, that is perceived to be inaccurate or unreliable.
- Commit the __________________ to name an endowment fund, without prior approval of the Board
- Require or stipulate the future employment at ________________ of any specified person or doing business with any specified company or person
- Are gifts of partial interest in property, unless ______________ agrees otherwise.
Charitable Tax Receipts
____________________ will comply with regulations of the Canada Revenue Agency for issuing tax receipts. _______________ will not issue a charitable tax receipt when:
- the donor receives any direct personal benefit under the arrangement
- the donor has signing authority over the use of the funds
- the use of the funds is restricted to specific individuals
- participation in a program or activity is limited to and defined by the donor(s) wishes
- proprietary rights entitlement accrues to the donor through the use of the funds.
Note: Donors will be informed that should the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) deem the donor to have received a direct benefit, an individual?s charitable tax credit will be denied.
Disposition of Gifts in Kind
In the case of gifts-in-kind, unless otherwise agreed, _________ may dispose of gifts under the following guidelines:
- The proceeds of a sale of the asset will benefit ____________'s programs and activities for whose benefit the gift was originally given
- In the absence of such a beneficiary, the ____________ Board of Directors will direct the proceeds
- On the completion of a project or program for which gifts had been received, those gifts will be disposed or re-allocated.
Board of Directors: ______________________