Overview of a "Readiness Binder" checklist
Overview of a "Readiness Binder" checklist

State of Readiness Binder
Here's some things to put in a binder to keep at your fingertips
Your organization - who should donors/advisors talk with?
Your professional advisors: wills/estates lawyer, tax accountant, insurance specialist, stockbroker, appraiser, surveyor, etc.
Your one-page profile that can be faxed, emailed or mailed to prospective donors and their advisors. It includes:
- Contact information including the name of your chair and/or executive director, address, postal code, telephone, fax, email and web address.
- Your organization's legal name
- Your CRA Charitable number
- Your mission, vision and/or purpose
- Information about your current programs, future goals and accomplishments you are proud of
- A brief history
Your legal documents:
- Constitution and bylaws.
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- The certificate of name change (if name has been changed).
- Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) notice of charitable registration.
Your organization's most recent annual financial statements.
Your organization's case(s) for giving. This should clearly identify why a donor would consider giving to your mission, activities and programs.
Your organization's investment policies.
Your brokerage account number and instruction letters.
Your board's policies on acceptance and use of unrestricted bequests, designated/restricted bequests, other planned gifts, and endowments.
Sample will wording that has been reviewed by your legal counsel.
Your donor recognition policies and programs.
CRA Form T3010, which also helps you track disbursement quota. (Ask your accountant for more information about this critical topic.)
Your organization's procedures for receiving and processing bequests and other gifts.
Commemorative gift cards and other forms.
Suggested tabs to divide the binder into sections are:
- Cover page
- This binder was last updated on:
- Person responsible for updating this binder:
- Staff & volunteers who have been oriented to this binder:
- Large Outright Gifts of Cash
- Outright Gifts Of Tangible Personal Property
- Gifts By Will (Bequests)
- Gifts of Publicly-Traded Securities
- Gifts of Life Insurance (Irrevocable Ownership Transfer)
- Gifts of Life Insurance Proceeds
- Commemorative Gifts
- Resources
- Training Opportunities