For your own understanding:

What is your understanding of the role of research in decisions?

Please write a paragraph or two describing how you understand the role of research in park management and why you think it is important. 

What would it look like, or what would be different, if research played a more prominent role in your work?  Please write a paragraph or two describing how you envision your work if research played a bigger role.

The objective of this primer is to develop an understanding of the role of research in the park management.  One of the ways this can be supported is by connecting with others that have an interest in this area.  In the following sections of this primer you will be asked to interview individuals that you work with, or would like to meet, and ask them for their perspectives.  Please begin generating a list of potential interviewees.

You will also be tasked with creating a product that you can share with your colleagues or others that showcases what you have learned about the role of research in parks management.  Please begin to think about what that might be.  It can be a stand-up presentation, a storyboard, an infographic or something that will convey your learning to others.  Please give some thought to what you would like to create.

Modifié le: jeudi, 6 mai 2021, 14:14