Summary: Conflict Resolution
Summary: Conflict Resolution
- Can you relate to any of the ways of responding to conflict that are outlined in the “TKI Conflict Model”?
- Have you reviewed and reflected on the scenarios?
- Did the open questions or statements to start conversations spark ideas for other questions to initiate difficult discussions?
- From the mindset or skills listed in the module, do any resonate for you?
Try to complete the above items before moving on.
Reflection Questions
- How might you reframe conflict with a positive perspective?
- What have you witnessed or experienced when conflict was avoided and not discussed?
- Who do you know resolves conflict effectively? What are the skills they demonstrate, the mindset they maintain, and the personal characteristics they foster?
- What are your automatic reactions when faced with conflict?
- Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 (low to high) on your conflict resolution skills. What are your strengths for resolving conflict? What is one step or action that you could take to continue to develop this skill set?
Take your time, and think about these questions before moving on.
Module Conclusion
Inevitably, there is usually at least one job interview question that relates to conflict due to the fact, if there are humans in the workplace, conflicts will arise. Employers need their staff to work together. Needless to say conflict resolution is a valuable transferable skill.Given that conflict is a part of everyday life, professionally and personally, you can choose to avoid or lean in and aspire towards becoming more effective and navigating conflict.
“Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity and the emotions to affect other people. What a unique opportunity to touch others with something small but powerful—our words”
– Jim Rohn
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Last modified: Thursday, 14 October 2021, 8:47 AM