Summary: Career Search
Summary: Career Search
- Can you describe the type of work you are seeking?
- Have you identified 10-15 companies of interest?
- Have you set yourself a goal of a certain number of people you will contact each week?
Try to complete the above items before moving on.
Reflection Questions
- What practices will you integrate from this module into your career search?
- What does self-care look like for you and who can you reach out to for support during your job search?
Take your time, and think about these questions before moving on.
Module Conclusion
Career search is an adventure with many ups and downs. Patience, perseverance, and resilience are essential. This is an exciting time because new beginnings await you.
image source: Presentation Zen
“Fall seven times, get up eight.”
—Japanese Proverb
—Japanese Proverb
Remember, if you have worked through the module and find yourself at a standstill, book an appointment with a Career Advisor in Career Services in Libcal.
You've completed this module.
Take the next step by proceeding to the next unit.
Last modified: Tuesday, 18 June 2024, 11:54 AM