We invite you to design a 26-WEEK Challenge. You can transfer the names from your list to the 26-WEEK Challenge Worksheet to keep track of who you’ve contacted, how, and when.

Next, develop 26 concrete, specific steps that you are committed to take action on once a week to connect and build your community. Think about how you can be helpful and include steps for follow up (highlighted in the video Want to Network Better? Follow These 5 Tips From Master Connectors (Downes, 2019) in the Unit Introduction.) 

Note: One key activity to strongly consider is volunteering. There are many positive outcomes from volunteering such as amplifying your creditability, developing your skill sets and knowledge, expanding your community/network, in addition to, increasing your opportunities for employment.

26-Week Challenge Worksheet

You can choose to start filling in action steps in this module and continue to identify more actions as you go through the next module, Nurturing My Community. Or you can create all 26 action steps in this module. 

Here are a few examples: 

  • week 2 - generate additional conversation starter questions; 
  • week 3 - send a note to three connections on LinkedIn that you would like to get to know better; 
  • week 4 - reach out to an alumni via Royal Roads Connect; or 
  • week 12 - attend a virtual webinar. 

You are more likely to attain your goals when you use timelines and incorporate accountability. Try to find useful processes to help you stay on track. The tool you choose is up to you—it could be an Outlook calendar, a Google Sheet, an Excel Spreadsheet, an online database, etc. (here is an example). 

Schedule a weekly check-in with a trusted friend, family member, colleague, or mentor. We also encourage you to choose a date to start week one and begin the Challenge within this module. Commitment to these actions will increase your progress immensely.

Remember: the 26-WEEK Challenge is playing the long game—evolving over six months. If needed, you can refer to the information and tips we reviewed in the Exploring My Community module for reaching out to your network.

Modifié le: jeudi, 14 octobre 2021, 09:27