
  • Have you reached out to your current community?
  • Have you tried different approaches to connect with others?
  • Are the questions you are asking, generating the answers you are seeking?
  • If you are not obtaining the responses you are looking for, have you tried different questions?
  • Have you added approximately 10 new people to your Mind Map?
  • Have you entered activities and started taking steps on the actions for the 26-WEEK Challenge?
Try to complete the above items before moving on.

Reflection Questions

  • What is your definition of community?
  • Who could you add to your list to connect with that differs from you in interests and/or industry?
  • Which professional associations or LinkedIn groups could you engage with?
  • What are some industry events that you could attend?
  • What stops you from reaching out to your community/network?

Take your time, and think about these questions before moving on.

Module Conclusion

The world is small, and we are interconnected. You never know who knows who. We encourage you to experiment, try a strategy to reach out, if it didn’t work, take a moment to reflect and learn from the experience. Ask yourself, what worked, what didn’t, and think about what you want to do differently the next time and try another approach. 

"Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosoke Satoro

Remember, if you have worked through the module and find yourself at a standstill, book an appointment with a Career Advisor in Career Services in Libcal.


You've completed this module.

Now that you have taken steps to grow your community, leverage your momentum and start the next module Nurturing My Community.

Modifié le: jeudi, 14 octobre 2021, 09:33