A closed farmhouse gate with green grass in view

Summary Topic Two
In Topic Two, you have explored foundational aspects of effective ECE leadership. You were introduced to the leadership styles and the essential characteristics and skills required of an ECE leader and considered the intricacies and varied perceptions of leadership in the ECE sector. 

You were encouraged to reflect on your values and to consider how these values shape your practices, laying the groundwork for ethical leadership approaches.

Reflect on the new knowledge you have developed by engaging in this section of the resource to identify your achievement of Topic Two's learning outcomes

  1. In what situations is your leadership style most effective? When might adjustments be needed to better support your staff's diverse needs? 
  2. How do your values influence your decision-making processes? What steps could you take to ensure your approaches remain adaptable? 
  3. What is one action you could take moving forward to support and sustain more effective, ethical, culturally responsive, accessible, and inclusive practices? 

After reflecting on the questions provided, read and check off each learning outcome you have achieved: 

 Reflect on the impact of professional accountability and ethical, values-based ECE leadership practice

 Explain an ECE Leader’s role in fostering an ECE program that honours rights-respecting, equitable, diverse & inclusive environments 

 Describe ways to encourage reflective and reflexive practices in ECE programs as an ECE leader    

Congratulations on achieving the learning outcomes for Topic Two!
You can now begin the Topic Three section activities

Modifié le: jeudi, 15 février 2024, 12:50