Creating an action plan can help you stay organized and focused in your search for a volunteer role. Use the key themes and terms you have identified to create a targeted tasks for your To-Do-List.

Starting a plan can feel overwhelming, so it might be helpful to think about different categories of tasks that will support your search:

  • Research / Identify - select contacts, organizations or websites that fit with your key themes
  • Prepare / Connect - have any documents you need ready and start reaching out
  • Apply / Network - apply to postings or organizations, attend informational interviews or events
  • Track / Monitor - keep detailed tracking information of your search activities

An example Action Plan table is shown below which uses these categories as a framework.  Use this Action Plan table provided in your Workbook to draft out tasks.  Remember this table is a draft of your ideas so it does not need to be perfect.  You can fill it out in any order as ideas come to you.

Once you have tasks listed, you can assign a priority.  This will help setting your timeline and realistic deadlines.  You will see that an activity in this course Use the Google Maps Search Nearby Tool has been entered in the table as an example.

visual representation of action plan chart

Modifié le: vendredi, 5 avril 2024, 19:02