Learning OutcomeCriteria
  1. Apply principles of effective authentic learning and assessment to teaching practice.
  • Identifies principles of authentic assessment
  • Determines the effectiveness of specific authentic assessment principles in application to practice
  • Evaluates own teaching context and determines appropriate applications
  • Incorporates authentic learning and authentic strategies and activities into online, face-to-face or blended courses
  1. Apply key concepts of a learner-centered approach to the design of learning and assessment activities in courses.
  • Explains the rationale for applying key concepts of a learner-centered approach to own course or unit design.
  • Makes informed decisions about the design of course activities based on a learner-centered approach.
  1. Communicates effectively in selected media and modes.
  • Organizes written material and presentations coherently, concisely and completely.
  • Develops written material and presentations that conform to standard grammatical, formatting, and referencing conventions.
  • Uses an effective structure to help the audience identify main points and follow the sequence of ideas.
  • Proof reads and re-drafts documents to ensure accuracy.
  • Ensures that the style, language and form of the communication are suitable for the context.
  • Responds to communications from others and creates opportunities for others to contribute.
  • Uses media to support ideas (e.g. text, images, sound, video, etc).
  1. Use technology to develop and support effective authentic learning and assessment practices.
  • Selects appropriate technology to support desired learning outcomes.
  • Evaluates options for using different technologies to support authentic learning and assessment.
  • Integrates the instructional technology into unit or course design.
  • Evaluates the ethical implications of using technology to enhance learning.
  1. Develop, revise and enhance appropriate assessment criteria and rubrics.
  • Designs and revises assessment criteria that are meaningful, clear, and transparent.
  • Alligns assessment criteria with learning outcomes.
  • Recognizes and assesses the impact that criteria have on the selection of meaningful assessment approaches.
  1. Select and apply suitable and relevant authentic assessment methods, including peer and self-assessment.
  • Makes informed decisions about the most effective course/unit design to support authentic assessment.
  • Details the activities required to design a course/unit using authentic assessment principles and strategies.
  • Identifies creative approaches to developing and using authentic assessment methods.
  • Provides formative feedback to colleagues in a constructive manner.
  1. Develop a plan of action for integrating authentic assessment into practice.
  • Describes the rationale for incorporating authentic assessment principles and strategies into a specific course or unit.
  • Evaluates different authentic assessment strategies to determine suitability for integration into a course or unit.
  • Applies project management strategies to the planning process.
Modifié le: lundi 25 mars 2013, 23:23