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Give Green Canada
Explore the one-pager about Endowments on our main website
Explore the one-pager about Endowments on our main website
Explore the one-pager about Endowments on our main website
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◄ "Essential Not Optional: A Strategic Approach to Fundraising for Endowments", CommonFund Institute
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Toolkit - List of Contents
Quick Poll: Did you think you had to be an Expert?
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News discussion forum
Check out our Roller Coaster ad
New national legacy campaign - Will Power
Common misunderstandings and excuses
Why Focus on Legacies Today?
Results of our international legacy survey - helpful tips
Legacy Giving is Growing, new research courtesy FLA Group
Poll: How Familiar are you with Gift Planning?
Ideally, here are some ingredients you need to begin, but you don't need all of these to start a simple legacy program
Ten Tips To Help You Get Started
Here is a Helpful Glossary of Gift Planning
Chart of types of charitable gifts, courtesy CFC
Niagara Community Foundation paper on creating a program. From 2006 so the Gifts of Securities section is out of date but otherwise a helpful primer.
Tips on acquiring an advocate and internal support
Pointers on getting Board approval
Chart of "Progressive Steps" in Gift Planning
The All Important Message - Learn how to keep track of your progress
For advanced practitioners, "Metrics of Gift Planning", courtesy Kathryn Miree
A senior gift planner lays out the framework for a comprehensive program
Top 10 planned giving myths, courtesy Richard Barrett & Reine Shiffman
Why having a Gift Acceptance policy helps you
Sample basic Gift Acceptance policy document
In-depth presentation by Theresa Man
Quick Poll - do you have any policies in place at your organization?
Backgrounder on professional advisors
Role of the Professional Advisor, courtesy Community Foundations of Canada
For the advisors' viewpoint, explore "Tools for Advisors" courtesy CFC
Take the quick Poll: Spot who is NOT a professional advisor
Mark Blumberg article on Importance of Advisors
Overview of a "Readiness Binder" checklist
Storytelling - 20 Great Places for Narrative (courtesy Leah Eustace)
Ten Tips on Connecting with Donors
"7 Fatal Flaws in Donors Newsletters", courtesy Tom Ahern
Tip sheet on growing your donor base, courtesy CONVIO
Marketing Overkill? How to tune out prospects without really trying
Social Media - everybody's talking, who's walking
Good report on "Technology and the Nonprofit Sector", courtesy Ketchum
Getting Social Media Right: A Guide, courtesy Bridgespan
12 tips to drive traffic to the legacy pages on your website, Virtual Giving
How to reach and connect with donors with YouTube
Nonprofit Social Network Survey
Donor's Bill of Rights
Sample Donor Confidentiality policy
Special: PLANNED GIVING AND THE BRAIN, remarkable presentation by Russell James
An introduction to Bequests
Step-by-step chart on processing of bequests
"Envisioning and Investing in Legacy and Bequest Opportunities" - Give Green Canada's report
Great buckslip from SEVA, courtesy SEVA and Simon Trevelyan of ST Legacy Group
Excellent legacy brochure from SEVA
How to attract bequest gifts, inside tips from Audubon
See a showcase of legacy fundraising at SOFII
Excellent legacy brochure from BC Children's Hospital
Explore trends and opportunities in bequests, endowments and major gifts
March 2010 new research on bequest marketing (FLA Group)
Sample Bequest gift acceptance policy
Sebastian Wilberforce has 5 top legacy tips for you
Recent research sheds light on bequest giving (USA)
Tips and Templates, by Peter Chipman of Variety Club
10 Steps to Get Going
Good example of legacy / bequest survey, from PLAN
Richard Radcliffee counsels you to avoid the "death brochures"
The Story behind the GIft, courtesy Norma Cameron
Marketing Your Planned Giving Program, May 2011 GPIC by Sara Penner and Krislyn Glays (pgs 5-7)
Get Wild With Planned Giving: Think Of It As Fundraising!
Listen to a 30-second Legacy Radio Spot from AFGA
12 Month Marketing Plan (Gift Planning) from Virtual Giving
Learn about Legacy or Bequest Societies
Estate Administration in a Nutshell, courtesy Sweatman, Windeyer
Intermediate Level backgrounder on Avoiding Legal and Ethical Problems
From the SOFII site, examples of legacy outreach materials
"The Vision-Driven Approach" Legacy Development and Marketing, Part One, courtesy Simon Trevelyan (Power Point)
Example of a full-page Bequest print ad from Audubon
Sample of a good gift planning brochure from Bruce Trail Conservancy
Sample legacy brochure from Hamilton Naturalists Club
Why some people are reluctant to let a charity know about a future legacy
Here is an overview of life insurance gifts from our main website (Give Green Canada)
Chart for Life Insurance gifts (Irrevocable Ownership Transfer)
Chart for gift of insurance proceeds
Imagine Canada "Charity Tax Tools" website includes information about gifts of life insurance.
Take the Quick Poll - Gifts of Life Insurance
Sample policy Life Insurance gifts
Powerpoint Presentation about Ecogifts
Ecological Gifts Program HANDBOOK
Introduction to Ecogifts
Click here for a list of the current eligible charities
Guidelines on Split Receipting from Environment Canada
Guidelines for Appraisals
Quick Poll - here's a 15-second poll
Donations of Land, presentation from Sandra Enticknap and Grant Monck
BC based? Click here for land trust resources, courtesy LTABC
ON based? Click here for many resources, courtesy OLTA
Canada-Wide: publications and other links, courtesy Canadian Land Trust Alliance
Success stories from our neighbours to the south, courtesy Land Trust Alliance
Covenants, courtesy West Coast Environmental Law
Conservation Agreements (Easements, Covenants, or Servitudes)
Read some of the land-related Donor Stories on our home page Give Green Canada
Here is a sample legacy brochure from Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT)
Sample brochure from Hamilton Conservation Foundation
Good example of gift planning brochure from Bruce Trail Conservancy
Blog of a Land Trust Executive Director: Paul McNair, E.D, of the Land Trust Alliance of BC, blogs on philanthropy et al
Good example of material on Supporting Land Trusts, courtesy LTABC
American Friends (AF) of Canadian Land Trusts
Gifts of Real Estate such as cottages, etc.
One pager on gifts of securities from our website
Helpful overview of Gifts of Appreciated Securities, courtesy CFC
Chart for handling gifts of securities
Sample Securities gift acceptance policy
Minimizing Donor Tax to Maximize Donor Gifts, courtesy Frank Arnold
Flow Through Shares, article courtesy of Marilyn Kerfoot
Curious about the ancient origins of Philanthropy? Here's a neat overview from the Showcase for Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration (SOFII)
Kim Klein talks about "Getting Major Gifts"
Chart for handling large outright gifts of cash
Introduction to Charitable Gift Annuities
"Essential Not Optional: A Strategic Approach to Fundraising for Endowments", CommonFund Institute
A comprehensive resource: "Planned Giving for Canadians" by Frank Minton
Get a free copy of Frank Minton's book when you join Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP)
Template - Sample Endowment Fund Agreement
"The Endowment is a Bit of a Lost Soul"
"Are Endowments a Folly?", by Malcolm Burrows, pages 1-3, Gift Planning in Canada, Feb 2011
A world of resources is available for you on our main website Give Green Canada
Here's another Glossary, this one courtesy Give Green Canada
Confused about when to issue a Tax Receipt? See Mark Blumberg's presentation here
Join the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP), benefits include a downloadable copy of Frank Minton's book
Click here for resources from Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network
The "Canadian Donor's Guide", if you don't know it, you need to check it out
The "Canadian Donor's Guide" is an excellent place to advertise and also has several helpful articles for your donors
Showcase of Fundraising Innovation and Inspiration
Unlocking More Wealth, report by Malcolm Burrows
Overview of Charity Disbursement Quota Reform, by Malcolm Burrows
Sustainability Network
"Book of Charities" is also a leading publication in Canada, if you are not familiar with it, be sure to visit
Did you find the Resource section useful?
Downloadable OER file
A comprehensive resource: "Planned Giving for Canadians" by Frank Minton ►