
Completing an evaluation of your transferable skills is an important part of understanding your full potential. By identifying and understanding your transferable skills, you are giving yourself more options to explore.

We analyzed five reports to examine the most wanted skills by employers from various Canadian, American, and global sources between 2019 to 2021.  Two themes emerged: transferable skills and technological skills.  

Transferable skills, also known as soft skills, are versatile abilities applicable across various roles, industries, and contexts. They are not tied to specific jobs and are learned and developed through personal and professional experiences. Employers highly value these skills for their contribution to workplace effectiveness, productivity, and success, irrespective of job roles or responsibilities.

Despite rapid technological advancements, transferable skills hold equal, if not greater, importance to employers, including industry leaders like Google. While technical skills can be taught, candidates and employees are expected to already possess and improve transferable skills like communication, creativity, and collaboration.

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