Weekend Giveaway Forum
Weekend Giveaway Forum
Weekend Giveaway Forum
*Note: this is a special kind of forum - you can only read what others have posted once you have posted.
{technical detail: This Q&A forum only works if the instructor posts the first post. Override permissions set to prevent students from posting their own thread}
{Here is what we put in our initial forum post - it will give you a fuller sense of the activity, which is about generating conversation, encouraging sharing, and the excitement of prizes! You can copy and paste it (and modify for your context) into your first forum post}:
Today... because it's Friday...
...and because we're off to such a GREAT start to this year
... and just because I want to... we're having a Weekend Giveaway!
In order be entered to win one of three awesome gift packs from RRU - a fancy blue thermos in a pleather case, plus an umbrella (both very useful here!) - post an answer in this forum to the following question:
What are your weekend plans?
Are you working? Enjoying the last few days of summer (and if so, where are you because I want to be there too!)? If your weekend involves homemade food, what are you making/having?
There are no right or wrong answers; I'm just nosy!
FYI once you've posted a response you can then see others' responses and chime in/comment if you want to...
This giveaway will close at 6:00pm Pacific time on Sunday, September 12th, after which I will use Random.org to select three winners! Prizes will be handed out during our Welcome Breakfast on Monday September 27th.
Have a great weekend, and HAVE FUN!