RRU student

Assignment Description

The aim of this assignment is to develop your capacity to apply the Theory of Change to an intervention design in real-world contexts and conditions.

Your team's Theory of Change will form the foundation of your Team RFP in Assignment 4. Thinking through the Theory clearly will help you solidify and enhance your final RFP presentation.


    1. Read the instructions for Assignment 4 before beginning this assignment.
    2. Choose a real-world context from the list of options provided in Assignment 4.
    3. Fill in the Theory of Change Template with information on:
      1. Your population subset and program goals
      2. Relevant MHPSS needs at individual, group, and societal levels
      3. Outcomes your Team RFP Project intends to achieve, and how each will be measured
      4. Social and political forces underpinning or shaping your intervention response, rationale, and resource allocation
    4.  Complete the Assignment 3 Peer and Self-Assessment form for your assigned team. 
      (Live links to your Team form will be emailed to you.)
    5. Draft your Assignment 4: Team RFP Project abstract (500 words).
    6. Schedule a team Collaborate session with the instructor during Week 7 or 8.
    7. This End-Term Collaborate Session agenda will include:

  •  Feedback on your grade for the Theory of Change.
  •  If wanted: feedback on your draft abstract for your Assignment 4: MHPSS RFP and how it aligns with your ToC
  • Discussion on any other questions you may have about the scope of your work for your  Assignment 4.

To populate the .doc template - it is recommended to use the Collaborate file sharing feature as the most efficient way for each team to work on this assignment together because this tool enables multiple users to update the document in real-time. I will provide a Collaborate demo session for any teams that would like to have this technology learning support. 


☑ Theory of Change Template  (20%)

☑ Peer and Self Assessment (5%)

☑ A plan for your End-Term Collaboration Session 

Theory of Change Grading Rubric


Identifies relevant MHPSS concerns at each intervention level


Identifies complexity in underpinning social forces and assumptions


Delineates activities clearly and logically


Explains how the intervention will facilitate overarching program goals


Rationale is culturally relevant and informed by community need


Scope and Outcomes are feasible


Entire team participates in the Collaborate review and planning session




This Assignment (Template + Peer and Self Assessment) is worth 25% of your Final Grade.

Self & Peer Assessments

Two essential components of MHPSS field realities are the ability to work across disciplines, and to take up different ways / perspectives in solving problems. Field officers will often be working under strict operational constraints and across a wide range of contexts, where psychosocial support may not be immediately prioritised. Including MHPSS within disaster, emergency, and humanitarian response work requires fairly constant advocacy, a negotiation of your expertise, and working supportively alongside a broad range of other actors. It also requires a certain amount of consistent proactivity and following through. 

Given the importance of collaboration in the MHPSS field, self and peer assessments of your team's process are included in Assignments 3 and 4 and comprise a grading weight of 5% for each assignment. The averages of your scores from the two self and peer assessments will comprise 10% of your overall grade. All self- and peer assessment ratings will be anonymised and available to each individual for their review.

If you do not complete your peer reviews, your mark for this section will be 0%.

Modifié le: lundi, 9 juillet 2018, 12:39