To help us get to know each other, please provide a brief video introduction of yourself and your main interest in taking this course. If you prefer to share only your voice, you can cover your camera or focus your camera on something else, like a coffee mug or pet. Alternatively, if you prefer to make a text-only post, that is fine, too. Add your video, audio, or text post in the Padlet provided below.

Keep your video between 1-2 minutes. If this is your first time creating video posts in Padlet, watch this short video explaining how to create video posts in Padlet. Note: Chrome or Firefox are recommended. Other browsers may not be supported.

When you make your video, it will take several minutes for it to play here. Be patient. Feel free to comment on posts made by your peers. Please add your name when you comment, so we know who is writing. However, if you prefer to remain anonymous, that is fine, too. 

Ready to begin? To get started, click the pink (+) button to the bottom right. Looking forward to your posts!

[Note for FLO facilitators: We recommend you include an audio option for the text above here if using a platform that does not have an audio feature built in. Remove this note before offering starts.]

Made with Padlet
Modifié le: mercredi 5 août 2020, 09:55