Week 1 - Activity 4: Facilitation strategies
Week 1 - Activity 4: Facilitation strategies
In this activity, you and your colleagues will work collaboratively in a Google document to create a curated list of key facilitation strategies for facilitating learning online. Please read the list of instructions below carefully before beginning.
- Based on your interpretation of the readings, combined with your own experiences as an online learner and/or instructor, what are some key strategies for effective online facilitation? For example, what specific tasks or behaviours would an instructor do or demonstrate in order to be effective as an online facilitator?
- You will be using a shared Google doc for this activity. NOTE: everyone will be working in the same Google doc on this collaborative exercise.You can access the Google doc here [UPDATE LINK].
- The deliverable for this activity is a concise
list of 10 key strategies for effective online facilitation. Each item on
this list should be concise – no more than 50 words (ideally fewer!). The deadline to complete your work in the Google doc is midnight on Friday
of week 1. Please let your course facilitators know when you have completed
your task by posting in the Open forum. One volunteer can make this post by Saturday (3pm PST).
- As you will all be working collaboratively in a single Google doc, this is an activity that will require collaboration and cooperation amongst yourselves. At times, it may feel messy and confusing, but we have full confidence in your ability to self-organize and complete this task!
- We suggest starting on this activity no later
than Wednesday of week 1 as it will require each participant to visit and
revisit the collaborative document several times.
- You will notice that we have not provided you with a forum for a discussion. This is intentional! We would like you to come away from this experience with the understanding that not all discussion and collaboration in online learning needs to happen in discussion forums. Your FLO course facilitators will be present and available to support you as needed.
Ready to begin? You can access the Google doc here [UPDATE LINK]. We recommend that you use Google Chrome as there have been issues of lag reported when using other browsers to access Google docs.
[Note for FLO facilitators: We recommend you include an audio option for
the text above here if using a platform that does not have an audio
feature built in. Remove this note before offering starts.]