In this activity, we are adapting the research method known as photovoice as a tool for inviting reflection and interpretation of what you are learning about building online learning communities. "Photovoice is a participatory action research method that employs photography and group dialogue as a means for marginalized individuals to deepen their understanding of a community issue or concern" (Empowering the Spirit).

There are three parts to this activity:

  1. Share: Post a picture that represents an experience you have had of an online learning community. Your picture can represent either a positive or a negative experience of an online learning community. If you have never been part of an online learning community, choose a picture that represents what you would like an online learning community to be like. Please post in the Padlet provided below. 
  2. Reflect: Add a brief narrative or story (max 300 words) that explains why you selected the image and briefly describes the experience. You are encouraged to draw on the readings and resources to describe and make sense of your experience. If you have never been part of an online learning community, describe what you would like that community experience to be like. Please add your name to your post, so we know who is writing.
  3. Dialogue: Comment on the pictures that others have shared with your interpretations and insights about the nature of online learning communities, drawing from the readings/videos where possible.

You can share pictures from your own personal collection or pictures that you have found elsewhere. Please ensure that you give credit when sharing images that don’t belong to you. You may wish to use one of these sources of royalty free images in searching for pictures: Unsplash, Burst, Pixabay.

Note: Posts and comments will appear as anonymous; please include your name in your post and comments on others' posts.

[Note for FLO facilitators: We recommend you include an audio option for the text above here if using a platform that does not have an audio feature built in. Remove this note before offering starts.]

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Modifié le: mercredi 5 août 2020, 09:59