For our first activity for the week, you are invited to complete your Personal Values Assessment (PVA), a simple survey (approx. 5 minutes) that will help you to identify and define the values that shape the way you do what you do. After you have read your report, you are invited to share some brief thoughts and ideas with the group in the Padlet below. Share only what you feel comfortable posting and do not feel pressure to post deep, personal thoughts if you are not ready. 


  1. Go to the Personal Values Assessment (PVA) website. To begin the survey, click “Take your free assessment”.
  2. The survey will ask for an email address to send your report to; if you prefer not to use your own email address, you can use <FLO facilitators provide an alternative email address> and we will forward the report to you. If using this option, please send us an email letting us know what name you put in the survey and what email address we should send the report to.
  3. Read your report. Consider as you are reading, which of your personal values would show up most in your teaching? How would they show up?
  4. Post a brief video or text-based post with your thoughts of this personal values assessment experience in the Padlet below. Remember, share only what you feel comfortable posting and do not feel pressure to post deep, personal thoughts if you are not ready.
[Note for FLO facilitators: We recommend you include an audio option for the text above here if using a platform that does not have an audio feature built in. Remove this note before offering starts.]

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Modifié le: mercredi, 5 août 2020, 10:04