Team Activity

Being able to be an effective virtual team member is a skill set that is essential in the knowledge age, and it is a key component of the GCID and DipTELD experience. Each course you will take in your program will have a team assignment that will require you to connect, collaborate, and create a final product. Communication style, collaboration approaches, and strategies and methods for building relationships are all essential components of effective virtual teamwork.

This activity has been designed so that you can continue to build your existing expertise in working in virtual teams. We also want you to have the opportunity at the front end of your program to search out and critically examine virtual team resources that might be useful to you as you move forward in your learning and your work.

Activity 3 Task: In your teams please create an annotated bibliography of your team’s top five resources on working in virtual teams.

To find your team, go to the course's main page. On the right you will see Course Community, and under that, My Teams.

 Course Community

Note: the resources your team identifies are not meant to be technology tools, but rather process-based resources - ways in which you can increase your own personal and team effectiveness working in virtual teams. They should come from peer-reviewed sources.

  • For tips on team writing, see Team Writing.
  • For a definition of an annotated bibliography, and samples, see the Online Writing Lab.The Writing Centre has this link to Writing an Annotated Bibliography (USE EXAMPLE 2 FOR THIS ACTIVITY). 
  • Ask a Librarian Forum: For support, searching tips and tricks, and answers to any questions you may have about your individual or team research, you can ask a librarian using this forum (found in Week 1).

Activity 3 Process:

1. To complete Activity 3 your team will need to use the assigned virtual collaboration tool (see chart below), or select one that someone on your team knows and likes to use instead. Please use only the free version of the tools.

    2. Use the Virtual Team Resources Discussion Forum (found in Week 1) to connect with your team members and decide how to move forward on the assignment.

    3. In your team, decide on a process for completing this 2-part Activity.

    • Some past teams have done some initial sharing/brainstorming, and then gone off individually to find their best five “working in virtual teams” resources. They have then come together again as a team to report out and determine what ones will make the team’s top five. From there they have then discussed how to do the creation of the final document. etc.
    • Other teams have scheduled a time for an initial synchronous session to plan and then review the final product.

    Choose an approach that works for your team and meets your team needs - you will have lots of time to use other approaches as you move through this program.

    4. Upload your team’s final annotated bibliography (Part 1and a brief 2-paragraph summary (Part 2), maximum 250 words, of your team's experience with the virtual collaboration tool you used to the Forum for Posting Your Annotated Bibliography (found in Week 2) by the date and time in your Schedule (Thursday of week 2). The annotated bibliography should be formatted in APA 7th edition style, in Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

    5. Take time to review the documents from each team, as they will provide a wealth of resources for you as you move forward to working in a variety of virtual teams in and beyond your Royal Roads program.

    Modifié le: mardi, 27 octobre 2020, 13:40