How can you benefit from our project?

What you can take from our literature review:

  • If you want team skills to improve you should provide instruction/guidance
  • For students to improve they need to practice - practice team skills and get feedback in a timely manners so they have an opportunity to make use of the feedback in their next team experience.
  • Assessment tools can provide instructors with insight to enhance fairness by providing and information to more appropriately assess individual contributions to a particular assignment.
  • Benefits of self-assessment include improvements in grades, quality of work, and motivation for learning

Where planning for self & peer assessment should begin:

  • While an individual instructor may decide to use peer & self assessment, planning should start during course design to allow adequate time and thought to address exactly how/when the assessment(s) will occur and to choose an appropriate tool.
  • An even larger benefit may be realized if planning for self & peer assessment is addressed at the program level
  • See our outline of Integration of Self & Peer Assessment in 3 Stages

 What tools are available to support students and instructors?:



Modifié le: jeudi 8 septembre 2016, 11:31