Before the course starts
Task By whom? Complete (Y/N)
Generally ensure that all tasks associated with the facilitator role are being completed - see CTET workshop processes & procedures (also listed in CTET Faculty Development Resources).
Enroll students and facilitators in the course (Tami will do).
Send a welcome email to all participants 1 week before the course starts (see Communications templates).
Add facilitator names (linked to CTET website bio) and picture to top of page. Insert start and end date of weeks.
Add two Collaborate rooms in the Learning community section and remove placeholder labels:
  • Collaborate room (Class) and remove placeholder label
  • Collaborate room (Teams) with separate group settings enabled

Set both Collaborate rooms to "Duration of course". Ensure you have Guest link enabled.

Change permissions in Team CU room so that students can moderate: 

  1. From the Collaborate page (teams), click on the gear on the top right and select “Permissions”
  2. Scroll down to section called “Activity: Collaborate Ultra”. For the option called “Moderate Collaborate Instance”, click the plus [+] button to add Student. In the screenshot below, students have already been added. By default, students are not included in this list.

Update the Course schedule with the link to the Collaborate room in Week 1 and Week 4 (add hyperlink).  
Update with the link to the Collaborate room (add hyperlink at bottom of page):
Create a copy of the Learning journal - template for each participant and update it with their name (i.e. replace the word “Template” with the participant’s name).
As co-facilitators, decide how you are going to facilitate Week 1 Activity 4: Facilitation strategies. Read the instructions carefully and think through the activity. What kind of scaffolding and structure will your provide to your participants to support them in achieving the deliverable for this activity? (Google doc Template 1 or Template 2) You can choose one of the templates provided, adapt from one of the templates, or create your own version. Template 2 will require more facilitation support.

Note that, depending on the template that you choose (or create), this activity may require very active facilitation on your part to support participants in getting to the final stage (posting the deliverable in the Open forum). Expect participants to suggest ideas that are more design-oriented that facilitated-oriented; this is an opportunity to support participants in teasing apart these two distinct practices and narrowing in on facilitation strategies. Use the comments feature or post right in the document to provide feedback and support.

Create a copy of the template that you have chosen/created and update the links on this page: Activity 4: Facilitation strategies. Note there are two places where the link needs to be updated. 
Create duplicates of these Padlets and embed new versions:

Be sure to select "Copy people and privacy" so that participants can write on the new Padlet. Not selecting will result in a read-only setting by default. 

Add your own video introductions to the Introductions Padlet so that they are there when participants login when the course starts.
Choose which facilitator will be supporting which team, as per the Peer facilitation schedule  
Update the limit per option in the settings of the Facilitation sign-up sheet Choice poll to accommodate the number of participants in the course. For example, if there are 12 people in the course, the limit per option should be set to 3. If there are 16 people in the course, the limit per option should be set to 4.   
Have course page tech reviewed by Anthony.   
Update your own Moodle profiles with a short bio and a picture, if you haven't already.  
Create four groups in the Groups/groupings settings (via Participants) as per the Peer facilitation schedule (add participants after they have completed the  Facilitation sign-up sheet)  
Liaise with Tami regarding minimum and maximum number of participants (max 16)  
Finalize slides for Collaborate session on Tuesday of week 1.   
Check course settings to ensure that course will become visible to students at 12:00am on Monday of week 1. 
When you are ready for participants to see the course, change course visibility to show (it will not automatically become visible, even if you have set a date and time - the drop down "hide" must be manually changed to "show")


Week 1
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
Post a kick off post in the Announcements (FLO facilitators) forum, welcoming participants to the course and providing any key information. Consider preparing this message in advance and using the "display period" function so the post goes out first thing Monday AM. 
Tuesday AM: Send a reminder about Collaborate session @12:00pm Tuesday week 1. Include links to access session and provide basic technical requirements (use Chrome or Firefox and a headset if possible)  
Tuesday @12:00pm: Facilitate kick-off session in Collaborate. Slides available in the Facilitator resources section.   

Wednesday: update the Peer facilitation schedule with the names of teams, as per the Facilitation sign-up sheet (Choice poll). Aim to have this complete by the end of the day on Wednesday so that the Week 2 facilitation team (Orange team) can start preparing.

Wednesday: Add participants to groups in the groups/groupings settings, based on peer facilitation teams established through the Facilitation sign-up sheet.

Wednesday: Post a mid-week check in post in the Facilitator Announcements forum, appreciatively recognizing the work that the group has already started/completed and providing reminders about what is still left to complete this week. Be sure to indicate how participants can get support or ask questions.   
Thursday: Check in with Orange team to ensure that they are on track for next week's facilitation.   

At some point this week: Send a personal email and/or phone each participant to check in on them, see if they have any questions for you. The purpose of doing this is to model a rarely used facilitation strategy that supports students’ emotional and social well-being, establishes a personal connection, and makes the participant feel valued on an individual level. Encourage participants to update their Moodle profiles with a picture, if they haven't already.

Throughout the week: Be aware of participants’ participation levels and reach out to participants who are not logging in; counsel out as appropriate. For PCS participants, the refund policy applies so be careful with PCS participants - make sure they know the policy. For RRU staff/faculty, deferments are possible.
Throughout the week: Monitor participation in various learning activities and provide facilitative support, e.g. Replying to participants' introductions in Activity 1: Introductions Padlet; adding comments to the Activity 4: Facilitation strategies Google doc; and posting comments on individual's Learning journal entries.   
 By the end of the week: 

  1. Update the Choice poll in weeks 2 called Reflection 1: Facilitation strategies with the top 10 facilitation strategies that came from the Week 1 Activity 4: Facilitation strategies. Supplement if necessary if there are important points missing.
  2. Create 3 duplicates of the Choice poll and replace placeholders in weeks 3, 4, and 5. 
  3. Update the course schedule with links to your new choice polls for weeks 3, 4, and 5 (remove note about updating URL)
Saturday/Sunday: Post a Week 1 wrap-up post in the Facilitator Announcements forum.
Saturday/Sunday: Support Orange team with upcoming facilitation, in particular in getting their Monday AM launch post in the queue. Teams post their launch post in the Announcements (Peer facilitators) forum and their post goes out first thing Monday morning.

Week 2
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
 Monday AM: Ensure that Orange team launch post goes out (i.e. check in with them early Monday AM if it doesn't)  
 Monday - Thursday: Support the Orange team in their facilitation. Lightly participate where appropriate. Intervene if needed.  
 Mid-week: Check in with the Blue team to offer support in their planning for next week's peer facilitation.   
Monday - Thursday: Monitor learning journal activity. Intervene when needed. Note that FLO Course facilitators are not expected to reply to every learning journal post. 
Friday: Post a "transition" post in the Facilitator Announcements forum that wraps up the peer-facilitated Learning activities portion of the week, thanking peer facilitators for their hard work, and launching the Reflection portion of the week. Briefly introduce the two activities (Facilitation strategies & Feedback Padlet), including links for easy access.  
Friday - Sunday: Participate in the Reflection 2: Feedback Padlet activity, modelling appreciative and generative feedback for peer facilitation team.    
Sunday: Post a wrap-up post in the Facilitator Announcements forum, briefly touching on key themes that emerged from the learning activities (especially learning journals) and the reflection activities.   
Saturday/Sunday: Support Blue team with upcoming facilitation, in particular in getting their Monday AM launch post in the queue.  Teams post their launch post in the Announcements (Peer facilitators) forum and their post goes out first thing Monday morning.
Remind Blue team to provide a list of names of assigned roles for Activity 3: Debate. Update the forum description with the names when Blue team has provided. 

Week 3
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
 Monday AM: ensure that Blue team launch post goes out (i.e. check in with them if it doesn't)  
 Monday: follow up with Blue team if they haven't yet provided the list of names of assigned roles for Activity 3: Debate  
 Monday - Thursday: Support the Blue team in their facilitation. Lightly participate where appropriate. Intervene if needed.  
 Mid-week: Check in with the Yellow team to offer support in their planning for next week's peer facilitation.   
Monday - Thursday: Monitor learning journal activity. Intervene when needed.
Friday: Post a "transition" post in the Facilitator Announcements forum that wraps up the peer-facilitated Learning activities portion of the week, thanking peer facilitators for their hard work, and launching the Reflection portion of the week. Briefly introduce the two activities (Facilitation strategies & Feedback Padlet), including links for easy access.
Friday - Sunday: Participate in the Reflection 2: Feedback Padlet activity, modelling appreciative and generative feedback for peer facilitation team.    
Sunday: Post a wrap-up post in the Facilitator Announcements forum, briefly touching on key themes that emerged from the learning activities (especially learning journals) and the reflection activities.   
Saturday/Sunday: Support Yellow team with upcoming facilitation, in particular in getting their Monday AM launch post in the queue. Teams post their launch post in the Announcements (Peer facilitators) forum and their post goes out first thing Monday morning.  

Week 4
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
Monday AM: ensure that Yellow team launch post goes out (i.e. check in with them if it doesn't)  
 Monday AM: "seed" Week 4 - Activity 3: Visual values with a discussion thread (it's a Q&A forum, so a facilitator needs to post so students can reply to the post).   
Monday - Thursday: Support the Yellow team in their facilitation. Lightly participate where appropriate. Intervene if needed.  
Mid-week: Check in with the Green team to offer support in their planning for next week's peer facilitation.   
Monday - Thursday: Monitor learning journal activity. Intervene when needed.
Friday: Post a "transition" post in the Facilitator Announcements forum that wraps up the peer-facilitated Learning activities portion of the week, thanking peer facilitators for their hard work, and launching the Reflection portion of the week. Briefly introduce the two activities (Facilitation strategies & Feedback Padlet), including links for easy access.  
Friday - Sunday: Participate in the Reflection 2: Feedback Padlet activity, modelling appreciative and generative feedback for peer facilitation team.    
Sunday: Post a wrap-up post in the Facilitator Announcements forum, briefly touching on key themes that emerged from the learning activities (especially learning journals) and the reflection activities.   
Saturday/Sunday: Support Green team with upcoming facilitation, in particular in getting their Monday AM launch post in the queue. Teams post their launch post in the Announcements (Peer facilitators) forum and their post goes out first thing Monday morning.
Remind Green team that they need to a) pair participants, and b) create one discussion thread in the forum called Activity 2: My online teaching philosophy for each pair. This should be done by today. 

Week 5
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
 Monday AM: ensure that Green team launch post goes out (i.e. check in with them if it doesn't)  
 Monday: Follow up with Green team if they haven't "seeded" Activity 2: My online teaching philosophy with one thread per feedback pair.   
 Monday - Thursday: Support the Green team in their facilitation. Lightly participate where appropriate. Intervene if needed.
Monday - Thursday: Monitor learning journal activity. Intervene when needed. 
Friday: Post a "transition" post in the Facilitator Announcements forum that wraps up the peer-facilitated Learning activities portion of the week, thanking peer facilitators for their hard work, and launching the Reflection portion of the week. Briefly introduce the two activities (Facilitation strategies & Feedback Padlet), including links for easy access.
Friday - Sunday: Participate in the Reflection 2: Feedback Padlet activity, modelling appreciative and generative feedback for peer facilitation team.    
Sunday: Post a wrap-up post in the Facilitator Announcements forum, briefly touching on key themes that emerged from the learning activities (especially learning journals) and the reflection activities.   

After the course ends
Task By whom? Complete? (Y/N)
Send a follow-up email to all participants thanking them for their participation in the course and reminding them to complete the course feedback form.  
Add notes and reflections about the course to the Post-course reflections and ideas page.


Last modified: Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 1:05 PM